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How to know if you have a crush on someone? At some point, we all feel those tickles and jitters for a special someone, and the mind and heart begin to race. In time, you may become attracted to that person. It could happen at the office, in college, at the mall, in a bar, or at myriad unexpected places. You will know as you feel a bit of magic around them and can’t stop smiling.

A crush can be much more than a passing attraction that you may forget over time. It could mean more than finding the other person attractive and endearing. If there is attraction, and it becomes a lingering feeling even when you are not around them, you are most likely having a crush on them.

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Several elements indicate you have a crush on someone. Sometimes, these aren’t obvious as you might try to bury the feelings subconsciously, while at other times, you may not realize what’s happening. Regardless, if you relate to these signs, you likely have a crush on someone.

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It is the first sign that you may have noticed by now after feeling attracted to someone. You cannot stop thinking about them throughout the day. You might enjoy the feeling or take comfort in it, or you could be distracted by such thoughts. Regardless, if someone takes up that space in your mind so often, you likely have a crush on them.

If you usually put in effort to look good, this might not apply to you. But if you take things to a different level thinking about the person, it indicates you want to impress them or want them to see you as attractive.

While it’s natural to plan a presentation or a speech when it comes to work or a social occasion, it becomes a whole different situation when you’re doing it to meet someone. You might try reciting a joke, an interesting story, or random phrases to keep in mind. If you’re rehearsing such conversations, odds are you have a crush on this person.

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Do you get anxious when you are around this person? You may have so much in your mind but find it difficult to speak. Most likely, you do not want to embarrass yourself. If someone can make you nervous merely by their physical presence, it’s a strong sign you feel something for them.

BDon’t let nervousness hamper your interactions with your crush. Take deep breaths, talk slowly, and make them talk by asking the right question until you calm your nerves.

When you have a crush on someone, it’s natural that seeing them becomes a highlight of your day. You might devote effort to your appearance or wonder what to say, but you will be excited to meet them. It could be a passing greeting as you see each other at work or a party with mutual friends. Regardless, if you’re looking forward to seeing them every day and miss them when you can’t, it is probably a crush.

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We don’t mean to say you run into them everywhere, but you might confuse a random stranger for your crush for a split second. Some small thing about another person makes you think of your crush. If this happens to you often and randomly, you could be thinking of them on a subconscious level to keep imagining them everywhere.

The Internet has given us access to people’s lives more than ever. It’s normal to be curious to know what your crush is up to, who they are with, and where they hang out, or to scroll through their pictures. If you’ve been following them online for a while, it’s probably a crush.

It’s natural to be attracted to people who share similar viewpoints. But if your crush shares different opinions and you still consider them, it could be because you are interested in them, given you find this person interesting. You might even start to care about the causes, people, and even issues considered by your crush to be noticed by them.

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A telltale sign you have a crush on someone is when you find yourself defending them when with your friends. While we do it for our family and friends, you might notice you are more engaged in supporting your crush, and sometimes, for no reason. Whether you are jumping to rescue them or arguing with your friends for them, it shows they have a special place in your heart.

Another sign you have a crush on someone is when you visit their social media accounts often to check their new posts and updates.

Wanting to be around someone you are attracted to is natural, but it is not always easy to make it happen. You might find yourself making excuses to be in certain places where you know they work or hang out. If you’re coworkers, you might find yourself taking your lunch breaks around the same time, or if you have mutual friends, you might be trying to attend outings and parties you know they’re likely to be at.

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It’s natural to daydream about someone you have a crush on. Sometimes, you could daydream about extreme scenarios that likely wouldn’t play out in real life, and at other times, you would daydream about having a nice date with them. It suggests this is a crush.

Your close friends and family could be the first to notice a change in you. Even if we don’t intend to act differently around our crushes, it manifests itself, and you might not realize it. When people close to you start noticing, your feelings have most likely increased for your crush.

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Are you stepping outside your comfort zone to make them notice you? For example, you post a video of you bungee jumping if your crush is an adrenaline junkie, or you adopt a dog if they like pets. While people often do it for a much wider audience, doing it for a crush is a whole different matter. It even has a term, “Gatsbying, ” which means posting or sharing something on a public platform, with the intended audience being your crush.

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If you’re at the stage where you talk regularly to your crush or even flirt with them, it’s normal to be glued to your phone. If you’re not holding your phone, you keep one eye on the phone, waiting for it to light up or ring with a notification from your crush. If you are obsessed with someone to such an extent, It is a crush.

It’s natural to feel protective of people in our lives. It could be to keep away a bad influence or someone who makes them uncomfortable. However, with a crush, we do the same thing for the opposite reason. If the person flirting with them is charming and fun to be with, you may get jealous. It means you don’t want to see your crush having a good time with someone else.

If your feelings evaporate after a while, it is a crush. On the other hand, if your feelings for someone get stronger with time and you become restless without them, you could be in love.

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There is no fixed timeframe for a crush to last. It could be days or even months. It is usually longer when your crush is around you, maybe in college or work. Otherwise, your feelings may disappear within a few weeks or months. However, the feelings of attraction are short-lived, and you will be okay even if your crush is not with you.

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When someone’s physical or psychological attributes seem fascinating, you may fall for them. You could feel an intense desire to see, touch, or listen to them. Such emotions sum up having a crush.

We may have a special interest in celebrities, movie actors, or several people in our lives. So how to know if you have a crush on someone? You may have a crush if you are obsessed with someone and can not stop thinking about them. Furthermore, your crush could make you feel ecstatic and nervous in their presence, and you feel protective towards them. Although you may be keen to take things forward, it is important to realize and admit that you have a crush on them. Then, you may go with the flow and act according to your feelings and their reciprocation of your emotions.

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Do you hold a rose and pluck the petals asking yourself if you like someone or not? If yes, we got a better way for you to be sure of your feelings. Observe your behavior to know how you get along or feel without them. The signs below are some of the most obvious indications of having feelings for someone.

Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and family business consultant, who has earlier been a graduate instructor/advisor, an organizational learning consultant, and hospice volunteer. With around eight years of experience working in the private as well as corporate setting, Sharon helps her clients think creatively and build upon their strengths. Previously, she trained Russian psychiatrists in...more

Rohan was an HR analyst before transitioning into

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